The Politics of Different Sleeping Positions

We all have out favorite sleeping position since we were kids. We probably did not choice it to be our favorite but because it is the position where our bodies are most comfortable sleeping with. So most of the time, we did not have any choice. My favorite sleeping is lying on my stomach. Sleeping position, is in deed very subjective. But it is a lot more than that. It has a various effects on our body it is because we spend almost one third of our life asleep, meaning one third is usually spent motionless in a handful of sleep postures. Our sleeping position can affect our sleeping hours and may also have an impact on our health. Moreover, there are also researches that show that how we sleep may affect our dreams. Some think that how long we sleep depends on the type of mattress that we are lying on. The site provides reviews of the best mattresses and their comparison. If you haven’t decided yet on what type of mattress to buy, mattress battle will help you decide on what to buy depending on your preference.

Factors that affect sleep position

It is no doubt that comfort is the major factor when it comes to choosing the right sleeping position for you. However, comfort is just one of the many factors influencing the sleep positions we choose:


As we mature, most of the time the position desired by out body is the side sleeping position. Studies show that this position become a preference in early adulthood and grows extremely as we get older and older. On the other hand, the preference to sleep on the right side come during older adulthood. There are some studies that show that this position helps in protecting the heart function during sleep.


Like many other factors that affect sleeping position, men and women have different preferences. Women are more likely to sleep in fetal position compared to men. If a woman is pregnant, sleep position is crucial. It is recommended for pregnant women not to sleep on their side but to sleep on side position.