EU Council Announced Sanctions on 30 People Deemed Responsible for the Death of Navalny

flags of eu member countries EU foreign policy minister Josep Borrell announced last Monday that sanctions will be imposed on unnamed 30 people and organisations deemed responsible for Navalny’s death. The announcement was made after Vladimir Putin proclaimed himself as the reelected president of Russia based on the result of a recently held election.

While the governments of North Korea, India and China sent congratulatory messages to Putin, Western governments deem the election as unconstitutional and unfair.

Arctic Prison Declared Navalny’s Death as Due to Natural Causes

According to the autopsy report and death certificate released by the authorities of the Arctic prison that held Alexei Navalny, the prominent Russian political activist died of natural causes.last February 16, 2024.

However, Navalny’s wife Yulia Navalnaya believes that Putin ordered him killed. Details of the 47-year old political activist’s death were not immediately available since authorities claimed that investigations and an autopsy were being conducted.

russian protesters versus putinYet other Russian opposition leaders and critics of Putin believed that authorities intentionally delayed the release of Navalny’s body, as a way to suppress the potential outpouring of sympathy for Navalny prior to the forthcoming sham election. Navalny’s remains were released to his mother two weeks later after investigators supposedly performed a chemical analysis.

Previous Attempt to Kill Navalny by Way of Poisoning

Apparently, the purported need for a chemical analysis stemmed from the 2020 poisoning incident that almost killed Navalny. The activist had accused the Russian security agencyFSB of poisoning him with Novichok, a nerve agent locally manufactured in Russia.

The poison was analysed by a European lab in Germany, which identified it as the same poison used to kill Sergei Skripal and his wife Yulia. Skripal was a former high ranking official of the Russian military, but doubled as a spy for the British Intelligence Agency.

Navalny was later arrested upon his return to Russia In January 2021.

BRICS Holds 15th Annual Summit in South Africa

Brazil, Russia, India and China had informally banded together in 2009, to challenge the world domination of the U.S. and its Western allies, calling their alliance BRIC. Currently, the bloc is holding its 15th annual summit (August 22-24, 2023) in Johannesburg, South Africa as the country became the 5th member in 2010; and its addition has modified the acronym to BRICS.

South Africa is the first beneficiary of the bloc’s expansion program. Although the smallest in terms of economic leverage and population size, it now belongs to a group that together represents a quarter of the global economy, whilst accounting for 40% of the world population. Aside from its geopolitical goals, the BRICS group is also focused on fostering economic cooperation and in propagating multilateral trade and development between BRICS member countries. Aside from BRICS, all five countries are also identified as members of the Group of 20 (G20) bloc.

Origin of BRIC

Actually, the acronym BRIC came up in 2001 after a Goldman Sachs research identified the founding four countries as the emerging economies at that time, because of their growth potential. The creation of the BRIC coalition back then was actually initiated by Russia.

Up to this date though the group is still not recognized as a formally established multilateral organisation. At present, more than 40 countries have expressed interest in joining the platform. The most prominent of which includes Iran, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba, Egypt, Algeria, Indonesia and Ethiopia. The leaders and governments of these countries have expressed the same dissatisfaction with the world order and concurrence with the BRICS primary goal of reducing dependence on the US dollar.

Ukraine’s President Zelensky Speaks Before Members of UK’s House of Commons

Last Tuesday, Ukraine President Zelensky spoke to the members of UK’s House of Commons via streamed video to report about the grim misery of Russia’s invasion. His summary described the spectacle of the cities destroyed by the bombardments that killed mostly civilians, ncluding children. He said that even if Ukraine’s army is outnumbered and outgunned, they will hold firm and that he would never surrender to the invading Russian forces

Addressing British lawmakers wearing his now famous military fatigue green T-shirt, the president of Ukraine voiced sentiments using the famous words of no surrender that Winston Churchill conveyed when England faced Nazi Germany’s threat of invasion. In a tone that was more defiant than ever, President Zelensky said he will never capitualte to the artillery shells and to the advancing Russian troops and tanks.


Pres. Zelensky’s speech spoke of fighting on land, sea and air, in the streets, forests, fields, seas or shore until the very end. The speech, was the first ever delivered by a foreign leader in the House Commons was also directed to all citizens of Ukraine living in every part of the world. Speaking against a backdrop of the now widely recognized blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag Mr. Zelensky’s messaging said the country’s defiance has inflicted an equivalent of 30 years of losses on Russia’s air force in just 13 days.

Latvia Reimposes Nationwide Lockdown as New Infection Cases Surge in Baltic Countries

The Baltic states in Europe are already on the verge of imposing another lockdown as the surge of new infection cases are causing pressures on health systems. Last month, Latvia became the first to impose a month-long COVID-19 lockdown to last until November 15, 2021. The announcement came after the country experienced an unexpected increase in infections, forcing government officials to reimpose restrictions to stop the virus from spreading farther.


Reports reveal that Latvia is among the many Baltic countries that have the highest rates of new coronavirus cases even after efficiently dealing with pandemic in the previous months. Alongside the lockdown, Latvian Prime Minister Krijanis Karins also ordered the temporary closing of stores, and the suspension of the scheduled sports and cultural events. Moreover, Latvians have to observe curfew hours from 8 PM to 5 AM during the lockdown period.

The Prime Minister warned the people that Latvia hospitals have become crowded while their health care resources are nearing depletion.

Rise in New Cases are Mostly among Unvaccinated Baltic Citizens

According to reports, 80% of the rise in new infection cases in Baltic countries and and about 94 percent of deaths that occurred, were among unvaccinated people. In Latvia, the number of vaccinated people is only slightly more than half of the country’s population.

Prime Minister Karins admitted that the government failed to encourage citizens to get vaccinated, and as a result, there are still too many Latvians who are not vaccinated.

Currently, it is recorded that this Baltic country has around 190,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases and almost 2,900 deaths. According to Latvia’s Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Latvia’s coronavirus cases currently stand at 864 new infections per 100,000 capita, which is deemed as one of the highest numbers on a global scale.

Bosnian Serbs Continue to Oppose Presence of UN OHR and Its Peacekeeping Envoys

Last Monday, German diplomat Christian Schmidt took office as the new UN envoy in Bosnia, but was met with fierce opposition from the Serbian population. The Serb’s rejection of Schmidt’s appointment is mainly due to his predecessor’s ban against the Serb’s glorification of war heroes who were responsible for the 1995 mass killing of 8,000 Bosniak’s.

Valentin Inzko, an Austrian diplomat whom Schmidt replaced, had earlier this month, imposed a ban on the denial of the genocide committed by Bosnian Serb political leader Radovan Karadzic and military commander Ratko Mladi, who were both convicted as war criminals. Inzko’s ban came as a result of the Srebrenica genocide denial movements, as Bosnian Serbs have been seeking to minimize the impact of the 1995 massacre.

The Root of the Political Tension in Bosnia

The Bosnian Serb’s represent the population that rebelled against Bosnia’s secession from Yugoslavia. While they were able to take control of large swaths of Bosnian territory and create their own self-styled state, the Bosnian Serb political leaders made it their mission to expel Bosniaks and Croats from the territory. The genocide took place in Srebrenica in July 1985 after Bosnian Serbs took control of the eastern territory.

Bosniak men and boys were executed while their remains were dumped in mass graves. However, after the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court of the Former Yugoslavia declared the Srebrenica massacre a genocide and convicted the Serb political leaders as war criminals, the bodies were later dug up and reburied to cover the crime and minimize the impact. To date, the victims of the mass killing are still being unearthed in order to be identified.

About the The Office of High Representative Established by UN After 1992-1995 Bosnia Secession

To oversee peace implementation, as well as promote reconciliation and development, the UN with the support of the United States and European Union, established the Office of High Representative (OHR).

However, conflict is still ongoing as the Bosnian Serbs are calling for the dismantling of the OHR, a move that has gained the support of Serb’s known allies, Russia and China. These two countries have since been looking to increase their influence in the Balkan region, which they are developing by supporting the Bosnian Serbs.

As a matter of fact, Serb nationalists have established their own identity as the Republika Srpska, as part of their campaign to separate from Bosnia. Current Serb political leader Milorad Dodik, leads in the rejection of Schmidt, calling his OHR appointment “illegal” while vowing to launch boycott movements against Schmidt’s future moves.

A Closer Look at Tajikistan and its Political Set Up

Tajikistan, a former republic of the U.S.S.R. which supposedly gained independence from Russia, is characterized by a political set up that is not democratic.

Despite having a democratic form of government, the country has been ruled by a president who has occupied the country’s highest seat of power since 1992. President Emomali Rahmon came into power as a result of a a bloodthirsty civil war that claimed the lives of about 20,000 Tajiks.

How Rahmon Has Stayed in Power for Three Decades

Since then and up to the present, Rahmon, who is now 68 years old was able to retain his presidency by way of constitutional referendums. All of which resulted in overwhelming votes that approved the extension of his term as president.

Previous constitutional referendums held in between 1999 and 2003 also focused on extending Rahmon’s stay in power. His latest victory was in October 2020, which was the fifth referendum that showed overwhelming results favoring his authoritarian rule. The October 2020 referendum showed that 94% of those who voted were in favor of letting Rahmon continue as president of Tajikistan.

Although the country’s poverty rate improved from 66.8 percent in 2003 down to 17.8 percent in 2015, Tajikistan still counts as among the poorest nation in Europe and in Central Asia.

Rahmon’s victories and long term rule are not without protest actions but many protesters seemed to have lost hope, since in neighboring countries like Belarus and  Kyrgyzstan  have border issues with the government is still ongoing .

U.S. Sanctions Top Russian Officials for Poisoning Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny

The United States under Biden’s administrations and in coordination with the European Union has sanctioned senior Russia officials for poisoning Alexei Navalny. US officials stated that their intelligence reports confirmed that the near-fatal attack on the most vocal of President Putin’s critics was conducted last year by the Moscow government.

Moscow on the other hand, has denied the accusation and that they were not responsible for Navalny’s poisoning by way of a Novichok agent. ‘Novichok in Russia, while meaning newcomer, also refers to nerve-attack substances invented during the Cold War and used by the Soviet Union. They are known to kill an individual by causing asphyxiation, while paralysing muscles as soon as injected intomthe body.

Who is Alexei Navalny?

Alexei Navalny is also an influential lawyer-blogger who became the leader of the opposition group that has been exposing the corruption in Putin’s administration. Navalny has millions of Russian followers on social media, mostly in the age group of early 20s and younger; a following that has managed to get some of Navalny’s supporters appointed last year, to local councils in Siberia.

After five months of recuperating in Berlin, Navalny was able to recover from the nerve agent attack,but decided to return to Moscow last January 17 but was immediately arrested. However, his arrest triggered mass protests from all over Russia, leading to numerous arrests of Navalny’s supporters, while local police forcibly detained those who attended the protest rallies.

Navalny mentioned that the United Russia party is filled with thieves and crooks, and accused Russian president Putin of bloodsucking Russia through a feudal state.

Navalny’s Corruption Allegations Against Putin

Using his ability to speak the street language used in social media by the younger generations of Russians, Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) has been publishing detailed claims concerning the corruption among officials in the Russian government.

The most recent was a video called “Putin’s Palace” where it describes the huge and extensively luxurious Black Sea palace allegedly gifted to Putin by his rich connections. Most of who are owners of businesses such as casinos, vineyards, and a skating rink. A hundred million has viewed the video and it was published soon after Navalny was arrested.

Putin of course denied the allegations that it was a gift to him, calling the video boring, while Kremlin disregarded it as a sham. After a while, one of the Russian president’s closest billionaire friend, businessman Arkady Rotenburg, stepped up and claimed that the palace belonged to him. .

Verified Claims of Unfair Election and Human Rights Abuse Merit EU Sanction vs Belarus President and Others

After Belarus protesters’ claims of human rights abuses and unfair elections were verified as true, the EU approved sanctions against Pres. Lukashenko,

An independent investigation conducted by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe had proven true, claims of human rights abuses and unfair election proceedings being protested by the citizens of Belarus against Belarus president Lukashenko. Based on the results of investigations, the organization recommended that another Belarus national election be held but to be conducted in accordance with international election standards and not on Lukashenko’s terms. .

In order to force the Belarus president to agree to the recommendation, the European Union Commission gave its stamp of approval in imposing strict sanctions on President Lukashenko and his son, as well as on 14 other government officials.

Amidst protests that the Belarusian president suppressed voters’ democratic rights, President Lukashenko announced his triumph. His declaration of being re-elected to the presidency led thousands to march in protest citing unfair election processes. According to the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, around 300 protesters have been ordered arrested last week in order quelch the protest movements. .

The European Union Disregards Lukashenko as the Country’s President

With the European Union giving weight to the results of the investigations, the EU Commission said the body is disregarding the results of the presidential election held last August 9. As sanctions, the EU Commission has frozen the assets of the Belarus President and all others involved in enabling Lukashenko and his son. Moreover, the sanctioned Lukashenko and other officials are banned from entering other EU countries.

The Belarus officials who have been sanctioned include the country’s chief of staff, the president’s press officer, Belarus’ head of KGB and the country’s national security adviser to Lukashenko, who happens to be his son.

As it is, Lukashenko and the others are now included in the European Union’s roster of blacklisted individuals ascertained to have abused the rights of its EU citizens, as well as have been charged with fraud. .

What’s Happening in Belarus and Why Americans Need to Know

While Americans and Belarusians are carrying on protest movements for different reasons, Americans should take interest in knowing why Belarusians are protesting. Trump and Belarusian president have a lot of things in common, the first of which is their openness to forming an alliance with Russian president Vladimir Putin.

That is regardless of the fact that Western and the EU Commission have issued political sanctions and economic restrictions against Russia for Putin’s continuing disregard for international laws; and for acts of aggressions against neighboring countries, first with Crimea and currently with Ukraine.


Trump may even turn out to be worse than the Belarus president, because while President Lushenko is trying to maintain diplomatic relationships with the EU Commission, Trump has been continuously eroding diplomatic relationships with other countries. One of Trump’s most controversial international actions was the voluntary withdrawal of U.S. membership from the U.N. Human Rights Council. The stance placed the U.S. country in the same league as North Korea, Iran and Eritrea, being the only countries that refuse to be under international laws and policies on human rights.

Trump Appears to Be Adopting Lushenko’s Political Strategies

Like President Lushenko, Trump openly hopes to become the U.S. president for a longer period, forever if possible. Lushenko has been the country’s president for 23 years and has been enjoying 5 uninterrupted terms as president of Belarus. Lushenko made this possible after succeeding in having the presidential-term limits removed from the Belarusian Constitution. Trump is capable of doing the same, since he has been continuously defying constitutional laws with the help of Republican lawmakers who are as power hungry as Trump is.

The similarities do not end there. The main reasons why Belarusians are now taking to the streets in protest of Lushenko’s 6th term, after allegedly winning 80% of the votes in an election was fueled by Lushenko’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although Trump is still tied by democratic laws that prevent him from taking the same courses of action that Lushenko made, he nevertheless showed little interest in protecting the health and welfare of the American public.

Why Belarusians are Strongly Protesting Against Lushenko’s Sixth Term as President

In mid-March when the whole world, including the U.S. went into lockdown as a way to prevent the COVID-19 from threatening the well-being of the global population, Lushenko chose not to join the lockdown bandwagon.

Although the protests started in February, Lushenko’s refusal to issue lockdown mandates angered the protesters even more, considering that the effects of the pandemic is directly linked to Lushenko’s oppressive employment laws.

In Belarus, there is a so-called anti social parasites law, which requires citizens to work for six months at the least during the year. Otherwise, they will be considered unemployed and be slapped with a €180 fine instead of getting unemployment support as taxpayer benefits. That is why Belarusians who lose their job prefer not to make known if they are currently unemployed.

Currently, there are 72,191 active COVID-19 cases in Belarus, 691 of which have led to fatalities. Since Belarus citizens do not receive unemployment assistance and at worst, be fined for losing their job, those who have to deal with the health problems caused by the coronavirus cannot afford to be absent, lest they get fired .

Similarly, Trump wanted the American people to weather the effects of the pandemic just to keep the economies going and to keep intact his claims of being the only U.S. who has provided the highest number of jobs. If Trump had his way, he’d rather that the country does not spend money on unemployment benefits, as a way of forcing the American people to get out of their homes and find work.

Product/Service Providers as Essential Businesses

Knowing which providers operate as essential businesses during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, could lessen worries over emergencies that could confront us.

The threats of the novel coronavirus are everywhere and we are now in a situation where service providers might not be around to help us. Even as we shelter-in-place, some of us have to occasionally leave the house to buy food and other general provisions. Some may even have to seek medical attention for health problems, while fervently praying for God to forbid the illness as a case of Covid-19 infection.

Now what if my car bogs down and leaves me stranded in the middle of the road; worried that I will be unable to go home before the curfew hour starts. Are roadside assistance providers among the essential businesses allowed to operate in this kind of crisis? If so, will they be able to deploy the closest towing services to whichever location I’m at?

Although you might point out that I could simply check with a towing company by calling one up before leaving the house, if only to make sure. Still, just for the sake of discussion, let us consider the possibility that some will be tackling an emergency situation, while unprepared to handle a vehicle breakdown.

Actually, even common house maladies like leaking pipes, electrical overload, malfunctioning air conditioning or heating systems, just to name a few, could crop up as an emergency situation. Well we can have better peace of mind if we know for sure that providers of services for these kinds of problems, are allowed to operate as essential businesses during the ongoing crisis. .

What is Considered as an Essential Business?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security provided local and state governments a long, comprehensive list of what to consider as essential businesses during a public health crisis. However, not all states have the same views and circumstances on which to base decisions in considering a type of business as essential. Although some that operate for nonrecreational purposes will be considered as nonessential, their business will not be prohibited. Instead, they are requested to operate mostly by using online technologies and through the Internet of things.

That being the case, there could be some service providers in your area who will be barred from operating physically even if their line of business is considered as essential in other regions.

What we all know is that basically, an essential business is distinguished by its purpose as being non-recreational or not for sheer pleasure and entertainment.

The medical industry, the infrastructures, the entire corps of medical professionals, workers, first responders, technicians, technologists and other members of medical support teams working in the frontlines, are of course the first and foremost essential sectors.

Pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, manufacturers of medical supplies, equipment and disinfectants; providers of ambulatory vehicles, delivery transports, crematoriums and other services needed in the fight against Covid-19, are all essential.

Healthcare providers, caregivers, public health workers and all other professionals and personnel working behind the frontlines to prevent the infectious disease from spreading are likewise essential.

The list of essential businesses is actually quite long, but generally include those that can manufacture, produce and deliver food supplies such as grocery stores, farms, as well as those that can deploy related transport and inspection services.

The list also includes those that provide utility services and assistance to the public like plumbers, electricians, structural or systems repair and maintenance technicians, towing services and other forms of assistance that a local and/or state government determines as essential in its jurisdictions.

Twitter Adds Fact Check Labels to Trump’s Mail-In Voting Fraud Tweets

Twitter recently made an unprecedented move of adding fact-check labels to Trump tweets that make unsubstantiated claims of fraud related to mail-in voting.

The labels serve as prompts for users to fact-check Trump’s statements about frauds related to mail-in voting. Although Twitter says the labels that say “Get the facts about mail-in ballots.” do not outrightly declarare Trump’s statements as false, the prompt is meant to direct users to news reports that contradict Trump’s baseless allegations.


Twitter, Under Pressure to Censor Trump’s Dangerous Statements

Trump’s favorite social media site has been under growing pressure to apply censorship policies aimed at restraining the U.S. president from spreading unfounded allegations. Where before, Trump’s tweets were generally not taken seriously; many are quite displeased over his latest conspiracy-theory about the death years ago of a staffer, who served MSNBC host Joe Scarborough during the latter’s stint in Congress.

Apparently, Trump’s focus nowadays is in attacking individuals and everything else he considers as serious threats to his re-election bid this coming November; including former President Obama whose endorsement of Joe Biden could greatly impact Trump’s chances of winning.

However, Twitter spokesperson Katie Rosborough stated previously that Trump’s tweets about Scarborough’s deceased staffer would not be taken down. That is despite the call made by the staffer’s widower to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, asking the removal of the Trump tweets that maliciously suggest the MSNBC host had something to do with his wife’s death. Regarding the matter, the best that Twitter could do was to issue a statement conveying that the company is deeply disheartened by the pain and attention caused by Trump’s tweets.

Gunman and Contractor, Plead Guilty to Charges of Killing Slovakian Journalist and Fiancee

Nearly two years after Slovakian journalist Jan Kuciak and and his fiancee Martina Kusnirova were shot dead in their home in Bratislava, the hired gunman responsible for the twin execution pleaded guilty to charges of murder.

Miroslav Marcek, a former professional soldier, admitted to the killings after facing trial in the Special Criminal Court in Pezinok City. Marcek described how on Feb. 21, 2018, he shot the 27-year-old Kuciak in the chest, and his fiancee Kusnirova, in the head,. The killings were related to the possible government corruption that Kuciak was investigating at that time.

Marian Kocner, a notorious Slovakian businessman alleged to have links with organized crime was the main figure involved in Kuciak’s investigations. Kocner reportedly threatened the reporter after the latter published a story about Kocner’s shady activities and corrupt dealings with the previous Slovakian government. Despite Marcek’s admission, Kocner who was charged for masterminding Kuciak and his fiancee’s execution, and two other plotters, continued to plead “not guilty.”

However, last December 2019, a fifth suspect who also faced charges as co-conspirator to the crime, agreed to cooperate with the Pezinok prosecutors in exchange for a lower prison term of 15 years. Marcek as the assassin, Kuciak as the person who ordered the killing, and two other individuals, Alena Gurova and Tomas Sabo who helped plot and carry out the double-murder, all face a 25-year incarceration period; although it is not yet clear when the sentencing will be handed down.

Murder Charges vs. Kocner Strengthened by Testimony of Middleman Who Contracted Marcek

Zoltan Andrusko, the fifth man charged with the double murder of Jan Kuciak/Martina Kusnirova, had confessed at the Pezinok court that he was the middleman who contracted Miroslav Marcek, upon the request of Marian Kocner. Andrusko confirmed Marcek’s testimony that he was paid a total of EU 70,000 (US$77,800); EU 50,000 in cash and EU 20,000 as settlement of an existing debt.

The deaths of Jan Kuciak and and Martina Kusnirova sparked a series of mass protests that triggered a political crisis and eventually led to the collapse of the previous government under the the ruling party Smer. In the 2019 presidential election that followed, the people of Slovakia voted overwhelmingly in favor of a female environmental lawyer, Zuzana Caputova. Albeit a political newcomer, Caputova made history by becoming Slovakia’s first female president.

Trump’s Surprise Offensive vs.Iran Led to Unnerving Border Experience for Iranian-Canadians

It is quite unfortunate that Canada is geographically connected to the U.S. in which the current political actions of the president had cast uncertainty on the security and well being of Canadian immigrants.

As the turn of events have it, U.S. president Donald Trump had taken retaliatory action against Iran without consulting the leaders of allied countries like Canada. Such action manifested Trump’s total disregard for diplomacy especially in coordinating political decisions that can have a global impact.

Trump’s aggressive actions affected many of Canada’s immigrants particularly those of Iranian descent. As aftermath of Trump’s order to launch a retaliatory drone strike that killed top Iranian official, Maj.-Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the U.S. Department of Homeland Defense issued an order to hold for questioning, all Iranian-American and Iranian-Canadian citizens passing through the Peace Arch border connecting British of Columbia to Washington. D.C.

U.S.-Iran Conflict Caused Chaos at the B.C.-Washington Border

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) reported that over 60 American citizens and Iranian nationals who attended an Iranian pop concert in Vancouver, were held for questioning at the B.C.-Washington Border. According to CAIR, those who were detained were questioned about their allegiance and political views, whilst had their passports confiscated.



Sam Sadr, an Iranian-Canadian who had ventured to travel to the U.S. for the first time found the experience shocking and unnerving. Despite presentation of his Canadian passport, he was grilled at the border for eight hours. Sadr told CTV News said he saw dozens of Iranian-Canadians including their children, going through the same harrowing experience at the border.

Len Saunders, an immigration lawyer based in Blaine, Washington said the scene at the BC-Washington border during the weekend can be likened to a

a dragnet directed at anyone born in Iran”

Sauders was there because two of his clients were among those held by border agents. He said the questions were mostly about his clients’ family ties in Iran; such as information about their parents and siblings; what his clients do for a living and every when they travel between B.C. and Washington.

What Saunders deemed as troubling was that when his client offered to voluntarily withdraw her application to enter, border authorities told her that even so, she was not allowed to leave either.

In not consulting with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, Trump prevented the government of Canada from giving the country’s immigrant citizens proper travel advisory and the potential courses of actions for them to take.

Canada’s Door Remains Open to Immigrants

Canada continues to welcome immigrants from any country, race, culture or religion, as long as they are capable of contributing to the growth of Canada’s labour force. As a matter of fact, the government of Canada had previously announced that in the next three years, more than a million will be accepted and allowed to settle in the country. In the year 2020 alone, immigrant admissions are expected to number by as many as 360,000, to meet the target number of 370,000 by the year 2021.

U.S. immigrants and expats contemplating on transferring to Canada can easily arrange for affordable transmoving services with EASY MOVING, a Toronto-based local and long distance moving company.

Slovenia Health Minister Assures Legislation of Long Term Health Care Reform to Address the Needs of Ageing Population

As in the case of other countries, Slovenia is also facing the reality that the country has to deal with a rapidly ageing population. The condition has long been calling attention from the government legislators to adopt health care laws aimed at providing long-term care.


According to Slovenia’s incumbent Health Minister Aleš Šabeder, the long-awaited legislation will be unveiled soon, possibly by the end of 2019 or by early 2020. However, some open issues still need to be discussed as the plan is to reform the existing Healthcare Act with caution.

Slovenia healthcare is primarily administered through the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (HIIS). It is a mandatory insurance program that requires contributions from employees and their current employers.

However, the health care provided is not all inclusive and therefore not long-term; or one that can help the country’s ageing population meet their medical needs when no longer able to work, or be constrained to live in nursing homes or in assisted-living facilities.


Under the present system, except for children’s healthcare, Slovenians have to pay additional insurance for supplementary medical or non-medical coverage, in order to increase the funds of the HIIS.

Key Points in Minister Šabeder’s Healthcare Agenda

“We have to find a solution for a long-term and stable source of financing if our goal is to abolish supplementary health insurance. What we are discussing here would cost about half a billion euros, but they will have to be secured one way or another”

— Slovenia Health Minister Aleš Šabeder

According to Šabeder, requiring higher contributions is likely but the amount, or whether it will be made voluntary or mandatory is still under evaluation. The Health Ministry is working with the Finance Ministry in conducting several simulations that adopt varying measures; such as higher contribution rates or imposing new taxes. The Health Minister though hopes that a small mandatory contribution would be possible.

Minister Šabeder is also tackling action plans aimed at waiting times, particularly in orthopaedic surgery. He considers, including private providers if necessary, in order to address waiting time issues. However, suggestions to furnish additional funds to private health institutions in order to reduce waiting time has been met with strong opposition. Some consider the proposal as a veiled way of veering away from public health care to favor private providers.

Bratislava Bus Drivers Warn of Holding a Strike on First Day of School

In Bratislava, some bus drivers have once again warned of holding a strike on September 02, 2019 between the hours of 4 to 7 pm; the same day students will be returning to school after the summer break.

Sometime in June 2019, Bratislava bus drivers had planned on going on a strike for reasons that Bratislava is the only Slovakia region that still has not honored a collective agreement that would see to the benefits of Slovak Bus Transport (SAD) drivers and their immediate family members. The commitment included social benefits such as giving bus drivers and members of their relatives free bus rides.

However, Autošofér trade union head Jozef Hitka, said that the collective agreement entered with the Dopravný podnik Bratislava (DBP) remains invalid, stating that drivers are still working under unsatisfactory conditions. Drivers are said to be bullied while their social benefits have no guarantee. The trade union has been calling on the DBP management to tackle several issues they have raised for sometime now.

According to Hitka, these are only some of the reasons why they will hold a 3-hour strike on September 02, 2019, but their main agenda is for the creation of a new set of rules in order to secure better employment terms with the DBP, being the company managing Bratislava’s transport system.

DBP’s Position on the Claims of Bratislava Bus Drivers

The public transport system being managed by the DBP consists of three types of vehicles: buses, trolleybuses and trams. Of those three, buses nearly cover the entire city, whilst plying 70 day routes, 20 night routes, and other routes for certain occasions. Routes reach the most remote areas and boroughs in the region.

Revenue from the sale of transport tickets is said to cover 40% of expenses incurred in maintaining the transport system. The remaining 60% is said to be subsidized by the city government. Vehicle drivers are not involved in the sale or validation of tickets, since commuters must buy them from pre-sale points like ticket machines,news stands or at DPB offices. Commuters first validate their ticket in the vehicle’s stamping machine before they can take a seat.

In response to the new calls for strike by the bus drivers, the Bratislava Transport Company or Dopravný podnik Bratislava ( DPB) assured the public that the planned strike will not affect public transport in the Slovakia capital. Based on an internal survey, the company believes the number of drivers that will take part in the planned strike will not be huge. Still, DPB said that management respects the drivers’ right to go on strike.

Moreover, the transport company claims that there is no reason to call the strike anew; asserting that management regularly adopts measures to make a bus driver’s job more attractive..

Regarding the bus driver unions’ claim that the collective agreement remains invalid, the reason for this is said to be due to conflicts among trade unions. DBP management asserts that negotiations over the collective agreement have not reached a conclusion because some trade unions are not united.

DPB spokesperson Adriana Volfová said the company is waiting for the Labour Ministry to choose and authorize one of trade unions involved in the negotiations to take charge in order to conclude the collective agreement. Once that matter has been settled, Volfová said the company promises to renew negotiation talks.

Famous Slovaks Who Made it to the RTVS Top 10 “The Greatest Slovak” List

Last May 01, 2019, public broadcaster RTVS named the famous Slovaks who made it to the all time list of the Top 10 “Greatest Slovaks.” They earned the votes of those who viewed the TV-based poll aired from February 24 to May 01, 2019.

The poll broadcast included the weekly showing of documentaries and panel discussions covering the life and times of the 10 greatest Slovaks nominated by 24,000 viewers. The ten were chosen from among the list of 100 people named for their significance in the history of Slovakia Republic. .

Final List of “Top Ten Greatest Slovaks”

1. Milan Rastislav Štefánik – A Slovak astronomer who served on scientific expeditions to the Americas, Africa, and Oceania. Also, an army general who was later drawn to the Czechoslovak liberation movement. He helped found the new nation of Czechoslovakia in 1918–19, to which he became Minister of War in the provisional Czechoslovak government. Born on July 21, 1880, in Košariská, he died May 4, 1919 in an airplane crash.

2. Ľudovít Štúr – A Slovak politician, linguist, poet, philosopher, teacher, journalist, well-known for codifying and standardizing the Slovak language, leading to the development of the modern Slovak literary language.

3. Peter Sagan – A Slovak famous for being a professional road bicycle racer, who has won several competitions, including the Junior Mountain Bike World Championship in 2008, before he shifted to road racing. Currently, he rides for the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) WorldTeam Bora–Hansgrohe.

4. Andrej Hlinka – A Slovak Catholic priest, politician and patriot recognized by some as the “Father of the Nation” for his role in the interwar period. Father Hlinka led the Slovak autonomist opposition movements against the Czechoslovak government between the years 1920 and 1930.

5. St. Cyril and Methodius – A pair of Christian missionaries, who were siblings in real life, coming from the Byzantine Empire. Together, they devised the first alphabet used to match the Slavic language, for purposes of writing Slavonic manuscripts, including the first Slavic Civil Code collaborated on by the brothers.

6. Juraj Jánošík – Known in Slovakia as a highwayman, whose deeds are similar to the medieval English folk hero Robin Hood. Jánošík is a real person and outlaw, but whose feats and characterizations were formed mainly by the writers and activists of the 19th century, to reinforce recognition of Jánošík’s image as a symbol of resistance to oppression.

7. Alexander Dubček – A Communist politician best known for his involvement in triggering communist liberalization that culminated in the “Prague Spring of 1968.” He was chairman of the Federal Assembly, and subsequently, the leader of the Social Democrats of Slovakia. It was under his leadership that the Slovaks began to develop inclinations toward political liberalization.

8. Gustáv Husák – He served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia between 1969 and 1987. In 1983, he was conferred the title of “Hero of the Soviet Union. As a Slovak politician, Husák became the president of Czechoslovakia, while his rule was referred to as “Normalization” period after the Prague Spring of 1968.

9. Marika Gombitová – The only female to make it to the all time list of Top Ten Great Slovaks, Ms. Gombitová is a Slovak singer, songwriter and musician who has won numerous awards and received a number of honorific titles. She is regarded as one of the most successful solo artists in Slovakia’s history of contemporary music,

10. Anton Srholec – A Slovac Roman Catholic priest of the Salesian Order, widely known in Slovakia for being a charity worker who headed the Resota Center that sheltered homeless people in Bratislava.

Slovakian Brute Mauled Filipino Financial Analyst to Death for Protecting Filipina Friend

Last May 31, 2019, 36- years old Filipino Henry John Serafica Acorda, died after sustaining serious head injuries inflicted by a heavy-built Slovakian brute named Juraj Hossu.

The beating incident happened during the early hours of May 26, 2019, after Henry and a Filipina friend came out of a pizza joint in a busy street of Bratislava, capital of Slovakia. It was then when Juraj H.came up to them and tried to force Henry’s female friend to ride with him in a taxi. Henry tried to reason with the Slovakian, but was cut short when the violent man immediately hit Henry.

As the Filipino was sprawled on the sidewalk, the Slovakian brute continued to kick and hit Hentry in the head, even as the latter was already unconscious. The incident was captured on tape by the CCTV of a nearby establishment.

Henry John was in Slovakia as a financial analyst working for a multinational company for more than a year. He was actually transferred to Slovakia from his original post in Malaysia. Henry’s mother and sister was supposed to visit Henry in the coming spring, but the tragedy marred the family’s planned reunion in Slovakia, Henry’s mother and sister did go to see Henry, but only to mourn and bring home his remains to the Philippines.

Henry John, is one of few Filipinos in Slovakia working as a professional, as many of the Filipinas who found work in the country are employed as domestic helpers. The Filipino community in Slovakia regard Henry as their hero, as he was always ready to help in time of need. Many of them recall how Henry had provided them assistance in renewing their working permit, to the point of keeping them company until the renewal process was completed. It is not surprising then that despite his small stature, Henry tried to protect a Filipina from the sexual advances of an irrational Slovakianl, who was more than twice Henry’s size.

Thousands of Slovakians March to Seek Justice for Henry John

Word came out that Juraj Hossu, Henry’s assailant, was released by the police immediately after the senseless killing. Hossu was re-arrested after an uproar from Slovakian citizens denounced the injustice, whilst condemning their countryman whom they suspect of being a racist.

Juraj Hossu’s Facebook account, as many had noted, had a post endorsing the “Ku Klux Klan outfit not bad” message. Another post, a Russian vodka bottle with a “white power’ caption, was also taken as a sign that Juraj Hossu believed in the “white supremacy” ideology.

Gov't: Slovakia promised justice after Filipino's mauling death

The government welcomes the assurance of Slovakia that justice will be secured for a Filipino worker who was slain there. |

Posted by CNN Philippines on Thursday, June 7, 2018

Four (4) Slovakian anti-fascist groups organized a rally that brought around 3,000 Slovaks to Henry John’s memorial day last June 06, 2019. Although Hossu was rearrested the day Henry John died, he is on trial for charges of manslaughter for which he may be sentenced to serve prison for a term ranging between 7 and 12 years. Some Slovaks carried signs imprinted with “Justice for Henry” and “Nazi brain burn in hell,”slogans.

According to the Accorda family, some Slovaks had approached them with offers of help and legal assistance, because they want to do something to make up for the grief caused them by their countryman. While still in Slovakia, the family is currently in talks with a lawyer who will help elevate the charges against Hosu to murder. That way, the brutal Slovakian will serve prison for a longer term.

Investigative Journalist’s Death Drove Slovakian Voters to Elect First Female President

The murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his girlfriend Martina Kusnirova in February 2018 not only spurred huge civic protests but also led to a political change in Slovakia.

Voters in the country’s 2019 presidential election made a political statement by casting votes that favored a political newcomer and known environment lawyer, Zuzana Caputova. The number of votes demonstrated the nation’s determination to make political reforms happen and the desire to rid the government of political corruption. The overwhelming number of votes in favor of Caputova, denied the ruling party Smer, the chance to install as president Maroš Šefčovič, a Vice President at the European Commission.

Prior to the holding of the 2019 presidential election, outgoing president Andrej Kiska had announced that he will not be seeking for a new term in office. At the time of the announcement, surveys showed that Kiska was the politician most Slovakians trusted. Many were of the opinion that had the former president presented himself as candidate, he might have won another term in the presidential office.

Still, the people was presented with another choice. There was Zuzana Caputova, a pro-European liberal who made a vow to carry out the struggle for justice and the fight against government corruption. the very core of slain Jan Kuciak’s investigations. In declaring her presidential bid, Ms. Caputova announced that the gunning down of Jan Kuciak and his fiancee, made her decide to run for presidency despite her lack of political experience.

As the turn of events has it, Zuzana Caputova, the 45-year old liberal candidate and member of the non-parliamentary Progressive Slovakia party, became the country’s first woman president.

Zuzana Caputova: Education and Professional Background in Brief

Zuzana Caputova is an award winning lawyer who earned the Goldman Environmental prize in 2016. The recognition was bestowed for her participation through leadership, in a successful campaign against an influential land developer who had plans of setting up a toxic landfill in her hometown. The feat also earned her the title “Erin Brockovich of Slovakia.”

Coming from a working class family, Zuzana grew up in Pezinok in what she describes as an open-minded household, which helped shaped her liberal views. Regarding the LGBT sector, she sees same-sex marriage as better than sending “at risk” children to orphanages. On the matter of abortion, she believes that every woman has the right to make such a decision.

After completing her studies at Comenius University Faculty of Law in Bratislava, she found work at Pezinok’s local government, first as a legal aide and later as deputy assistant to the town mayor. She then went on to work in the non-profit sector; for organizations like the Open Society Foundation which dealt with issues of child abuse and exploitation, the EQ Klub, a civic association addressing local community development, and world-renowned environmentalist group, Greenpeace.

Čaputová furthered her career by establishing her own law firm and by becoming a fellow of a network of environmental lawyers called the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW).